Patent Filing Services: A Complete Guide for Businesses

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This SEO-optimized article provides an in-depth look at patent filing services, explaining the importance, process, and benefits of filing a patent, as well as how to choose the right service provider.


In today’s rapidly evolving world, innovation is key to maintaining a competitive edge. As businesses and individuals create new inventions and processes, securing intellectual property (IP) becomes critical. One of the most effective ways to protect these innovations is through patent filing. This SEO-optimized article provides an in-depth look at patent filing services, explaining the importance, process, and benefits of filing a patent, as well as how to choose the right service provider.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal right granted by the government to an inventor, giving them exclusive rights to use, sell, or license their invention for a specific period. In India, patents are governed by the Indian Patents Act, 1970. A granted patent prevents others from making, using, or selling the invention without the inventor's permission.

Types of Patents

  1. Utility Patent: For new and useful processes, machines, compositions, or methods.
  2. Design Patent: For new, original, and ornamental designs.
  3. Plant Patent: For the invention or discovery of a new and distinct plant.

Importance of Patent Filing

Filing a patent offers several advantages to inventors and businesses, including:

  1. Exclusive Rights: Patent owners get exclusive rights to their invention, allowing them to prevent others from using it without permission.
  2. Legal Protection: A patent provides legal backing in case of infringement, offering a pathway to seek damages or an injunction.
  3. Monetary Benefits: Patents can be sold or licensed, creating additional revenue streams for inventors and businesses.
  4. Increased Credibility: Having a patented invention enhances the credibility and market position of a company.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Patents help businesses maintain a competitive edge by protecting their unique innovations.

Steps Involved in Patent Filing

The patent filing process can be complex, but it generally follows these steps:

1. Patent Search

Before filing, it's essential to conduct a patent search to ensure the invention is novel and hasn’t been patented by someone else. This search can be done through the Indian Patent Office or international patent databases.

2. Drafting the Patent Application

Once the search confirms the invention's uniqueness, the next step is drafting the patent application. This includes:

  • Title and Abstract: A brief summary of the invention.
  • Background: The problem the invention aims to solve.
  • Detailed Description: A thorough explanation of how the invention works.
  • Claims: Legal statements that define the scope of the invention.

A well-drafted patent application is crucial to avoid rejections or objections during the examination phase.

3. Filing the Patent Application

The patent application can be filed either online through the IP India portal or physically at the patent office. Inventors can choose from different types of applications:

  • Provisional Application: A preliminary filing to secure a filing date. It is followed by a complete application within 12 months.
  • Complete Application: A detailed filing that includes the complete specification of the invention.

4. Patent Examination

After the application is filed, it goes through the examination process. A request for examination must be submitted within 48 months of filing the application. The patent examiner checks the application for novelty, inventiveness, and industrial applicability. They may issue objections or ask for clarifications, which the applicant must respond to.

5. Publication of the Patent

After examination, if the application is found to be satisfactory, it is published in the Official Patent Journal. This makes the patent public, and third parties can oppose the application within a specific period.

6. Grant of the Patent

If there are no objections or oppositions, the patent is granted, and the inventor receives a Patent Certificate. The patent is valid for 20 years from the date of filing.

Costs Associated with Patent Filing

The cost of patent filing services varies depending on the type of patent, the complexity of the invention, and whether professional assistance is sought. Key costs include:

  • Filing Fees: The official fee for filing the patent with the Patent Office.
  • Professional Fees: If a patent agent or attorney is hired, their services may include drafting, filing, and responding to objections.
  • Examination and Maintenance Fees: Additional fees are applicable for the examination request and maintaining the patent over its 20-year validity period.

Common Challenges in Patent Filing

Filing a patent is a complex legal process, and inventors often face several challenges:

  1. Patent Rejections: Applications can be rejected for lack of novelty, inventive step, or industrial applicability.
  2. Infringement Risks: Without a thorough patent search, businesses run the risk of infringing on existing patents.
  3. Complex Paperwork: Drafting a comprehensive patent application is challenging, requiring both legal and technical expertise.
  4. Costly and Time-Consuming: Patent filing can be expensive and time-consuming, often taking several years for approval.

Why Choose Professional Patent Filing Services?

Given the complexity of patent filing, it's highly recommended to use patent filing services provided by professionals such as patent agents and attorneys. Here’s why:

  1. Expert Guidance: Professionals ensure that the patent application is correctly drafted and submitted, reducing the risk of rejections.
  2. Comprehensive Search: They conduct thorough patent searches to ensure your invention is unique.
  3. Handling Objections: Patent professionals are experienced in responding to objections or oppositions during the examination process.
  4. Time-Efficient: With expert assistance, the patent filing process becomes more streamlined, saving time and effort for the inventor.

Choosing the Right Patent Filing Service Provider

When choosing a patent filing service, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience: Look for service providers with extensive experience in patent law and IP filings.
  2. Industry Knowledge: Choose a provider with expertise in your specific industry or technology.
  3. Track Record: Check for a strong track record of successfully filed patents.
  4. Customer Support: Ensure the provider offers robust support throughout the patent filing process, from search to grant.


In conclusion, patent filing is essential for protecting your innovation and ensuring exclusive rights over your invention. Navigating the complexities of patent filing requires expert guidance, which is where Akhildev IPR and Research Services excels. With their comprehensive expertise in intellectual property, Akhildev IPR and Research Services provides reliable support at every stage, ensuring that your patent is successfully filed and safeguarded. Trust Akhildev IPR and Research Services for efficient and professional patent filing solutions.
